Norfolk County Council’s Data Protection Officer can be contacted by following the above link.
If you are a user with general public and anonymous access NBIS does not store or capture personal information, but merely logs the user's IP address that is automatically recognised by the web server. The only exception to this is our online public surveys and general records sent to our NBIS email mailbox - here we need to collect your details so that we can contact you for verification of a species sighting, sign up to our e-bulletin (opt-out by emailing us) and for occasional correspondence regarding recording, future surveys, ways of getting involved and annual update summaries (opt out by emailing us). A statement regarding this is clearly placed on the online survey form, before your sighting (species record) is saved to our database.
- Requests for information or services via email and online forms
- Public surveys via an online form and/or by email
- Sign up to our e-bulletin
Use of Submitted Records
Any records you submit, once verified, will be integrated into the NBIS database and used as part of our day-to-day work. By submitting your record to us you are agreeing to it being used in this way and for us to act as custodians of that record. Please contact us if you require further details.
Further information can be found on our DATA POLICIES PDF.
Information published on this site, or supplied by the Service in response to requests and enquiries, is the copyright of Norfolk County Council or third parties.
Information includes documents, publications, images, both still and moving, sound recordings, and databases, in any format or medium.
Information is made available for personal use, which includes private study and research such as: college projects, higher degrees, and non-profit scientific investigations. Save for this, and other permitted acts under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, the information may not be copied, distributed, published, or exploited for commercial purposes or financial gain without the explicit written consent of the copyright owner.
Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2005 (PSI)
Terms and conditions for re-use of information are subject to the provisions of the Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2005.
Requests for permission to re-use information, please see click here.
Information held by NBIS is subject to both the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (EIR) and the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOI).
The majority of enquiries and requests for information from NBIS are likely to fall under the EIR.
For more information on EIR and FOI please see click here.
Further information can be found on our DATA POLICIES PDF.